Bid Writing Process
Preparation & Research
Our tender writers read the funders documents in depth, along with any relevant previous funding application material or documentation you provide, and also research your organisation and services fully.
We will prepare for interviews by creating a breakdown of each question against the scope of requirements and the evaluation criteria. This breakdown will be shared with you in advance and provide structure to the interview.
Interview & Insight
We will meet with your team, including Directors, Trustees, Staff and Volunteers to draw out insight and gather information specific to the funding application requirements and evidence as to why your organisation should deserve grant funding.
Our bid writers will create draft responses. We quality assure all of the content to make sure it answers the questions, meets the evaluation criteria, and is clear and compelling and demonstrates your capability and experience.
We will work closely with each organisation to review the drafts to ensure that the content is accurate and well-presented. The writers will implement any changes from your review prior to submission. The number of reviews is pertinent to the size of the funding applied for and will be set at beginning of the process.
After a final proofread, to make sure every comma is accounted for, your bid will be ready to submit. We appreciate that portals can be tricky, so we are more than happy to submit on your behalf.
You’ll get updates on progress and be able to see the application develop throughout.
Get in touch today to find out more.